My mother and aunt were going to the hairdresser’s, but I, figuring that they wanted to leave me among unfamiliar people, began to actively oppose it. I screamed and was moody, hysterical as I could, but Mom was adamant. Then I dug up a baby fur coat somewhere (probably my cousin’s) and put it on myself (by the way, it was thirty degrees outside the window. ) I continued to yell in my fur coat, but my mother was not impressed. It was like death to take it off me (I kicked desperately and bit perfectly), so no one drew, and my mother left. All in tears, I rushed to the balcony (do not think that suicidal thoughts can come into the head of a four-year-old child) and continued to sob under the brazen July rays. It was hot, but I wasn’t going to take off my fur coat. I had a lot of stubbornness.
But – about happiness! – Mom’s back. She didn’t get a haircut. A couple of minutes after she left the house, she realized that her heart was not in the right place, and that she could not calmly leave for two hours when the child was hysterical.
For some reason, when I was a child, I always had an unconscious fear that I would be abandoned. I don’t know where such cockroaches come from in a child’s unflamed brain, but even at school age, as soon as my mother left for a couple of days, I, a surprisingly healthy child, immediately fell ill.
February 22, evening
In the evening, guests came to us. When they began to gather, Alyosha began to wave at them with a pen "bye bye." Hooray for a new skill! By the way, Lena Sawyer’s daughter is already showing flashlights with her pens. What is useful for a mother’s communication – you will find out what else new you can urgently teach your beloved child. By the way, we have recently mastered the "ladushki", and I forget everything about the "magpie thief". Oh, mother-mother, how so!!
February 23rd, morning
Alyosha’s cheeks are already crimson. Why would that be? I haven’t eaten anything since morning except two hard-boiled eggs! Or is it a muffin? It was decided to tighten the diet((
February 24th, evening
The female half of our family plays a quiz called "what could Alyosha be allergic to". Versions are being put forward that maybe it’s the cow’s protein contained in dairy products, which I destroy by liters and kilograms? Okay, I’ll try to give them up too.
February 25th, evening
I look longingly into the refrigerator. There’s everything from jam to processed cheese, but it seems like I can’t do anything. I eat mashed vegetables and dumplings. By the way, in the rating of vegetable purees prepared by me personally, the first place can be unconditionally given to white cabbage. The most delicious.
February 26th, morning
The cheeks passed quickly, but there are spots on the arms and legs. By the way, I got on the phone with a mom. She told me that the mother’s milk contains"products&They arrive six to eight hours after they have been eaten. So I’m sinning on eggs for nothing.
February 27th, morning
I feel sleepy all the time. Laying Alyosha on the side, I struggle with the desire to snore next to her and with the need to wash the floors. As a result, I give myself five minutes just to lie down with him and admire. Probably, that’s what all moms in the world think: "What an angel I gave birth to! I would like to kiss her, but I can’t – she’s sleeping". 1xbet Japan は、日本のユーザーに向けてさまざまなプロモーションを提供しており、期間限定のイベントや特定のスポーツに関連したボーナスが豊富に用意されています。これにより、プレイヤーは定期的にお得なキャンペーンを楽しむことができます。
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